Does anyone out there alter spoons? I bought some gold plated spoons the other day...the handles are not ornate but I was looking for ideas on what to do with them. Any ideas???

I began work on a Cat piece on Friday. Another thrift store find...she was very very homely. So I'm getting her spruced up with gesso and then paint, and then we'll see how pretty she can get. ;-)
I decided this last week that I need to really push to get some works to sell on Etsy this spring so that I can get back to Ohio to see my Dad. He was diagnosed with Alzheimers and is slipping fast. I'm afraid that he won't know me before too long and it's already been about 3 years since I last saw him. I talk with him on the phone but it's not the same as in person. My heart has been hurting and I would have gone already but like so many others, my finances are so strained that I couldn't even consider it. I know that sounds extreme but we're in extreme times with my husband on disability and my health problems. So...I will be putting up creations on my etsy regularly for the next month. But the first probably won't come till next week.
Please leave some creative words for me...ideas on spoons and anything else you want to say. I would love to hear from you.